
The driving force behind our success

In response to the dynamic business environment, we remain committed for continuous improvement to deliver and exceed customer expectations.

Central to our commitment for cultivating a future-ready, highly motivated workforce is the on-going investment in training and development programmes focussing on strengthening required competencies.

₹ 244.67 Lakh

Invested in people skill development

1,52,976-man hrs

Training during FY3


Training coverage

Talent management

Talent management encompasses crucial aspects of attracting, retaining, internally grooming required talent for the bank to support the growing talent needs.

Training sessions are built with focus on different stage of employee life cycle.

  • New Joiners – Programs focussed on early assimilation by providing Orientation, On the Job Training programs and coaching by senior leaders.
  • Learning Reinforcement – Up skilling and Knowledge Updation programs and Test (Knowledge Updations Test) are conducted for different cohorts periodically.
  • BM Ready Sessions – To identify and nurture Branch Manager Aspirants at early stage and provide necessary skills to ensure internal pipeline of branch managers.
  • Talent Grooming – Partnership with Coursera.

Competency Assessments are done in association with industry leading partners, to identify potential employees for career elevation.

Individual Development Plans are provided to employees in executive level to ensure we partner with individuals in shaping their development journey.

On-going performance feedback & Support by managers to ensure employees meet their performance goals.

Learning and development

Our learning and development program, with a coverage rate of 103%, focuses on employee growth through training initiatives in KYC, AML, Compliance, and Product and Process updates. We partner with leading institutes and online course providers to offer diverse learning opportunities and groom potential officers for future leadership roles based on performance and aspiration.

E-learning initiatives

To ensure awareness and compliance, e-Learning programmes on mandatory and product related topics, cyber security sessions are assigned to all the employees.

The e-learning programmes conducted during the year 2022-2023 through 2 different channels;


  • 5,417 employees completed the cybersecurity programme on ‘Phishing’. The e-learning programme was announced as part of the Cyber Jaagrookta Divas.
  • 5,827 employees completed the programme on ‘Fake App’ and ‘Impersonator’.

Digital Centre of Excellence

  • 4,746 employees completed the e-learning programme on liability products
  • 6,212 employees completed an e-learning programme on card fraud and security
  • 5,908 employees completed Security the e-learning programme on ethics

Training programmes FY23


Training programs are also provided to employees in partnership with leading institutions like IIBF, NIBM, CAFRAL, CAB-RBI, IDRBT, ASCI, ICSI, RBI, IICAI and XLRI.

Webinars are hosted with Industry / Subject Matter Experts for different employee cohorts.

Employee engagement initiatives

  • Recognition programme

    KVB Rathna – A platform for leaders to applaud and provide instant recognition to the deserving employees for their efforts.

  • Reward System

    Branch Sales Reward system aimed to encourage and incentivise high performers at branches.
    Annual Incentives are paid to motivate High performers.

  • Recognition programme

    KVB Rathna – A platform for leaders to applaud and provide instant recognition to the deserving employees for their efforts.

  • Talent Recognition

    Platforms like e. Magazines, Annual Cultural Events provide opportunity to employees to showcase their talent.

Fostering diversity and inclusion

To help women colleagues balance their personal and professional responsibilities, 82% of the women transferred are provided with postings at the requested or local locations.

She Leads is a unique initiative focused on emphasising the significance of the role of our women colleagues at the office and at home.

As part of the initiative, all the male employees were invited to nominate women colleagues across different categories like Ms. Customer Service, Ms. Operations, Ms. Perfectionist and Ms Dependable and so on. The highest scorer in each category was recognised by the senior management team.

Metrics indicating progress made on gender diversity %



We are committed to provide safe and respectful work environment for all our employees.

Our grievance redressal team ensures to provide resolutions with utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.


women out of total employees