NRI Mutual Fund Investments

Now NRI’s & PIO can invest in Mutual Fund Schemes in India. They can invest in Mutual Funds on Repatriable basis or Non-Repatriable basis subject to regulations prescribed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). To invest in Repatriable basis customer need to hold NRE / FCNR Account. All the investments have to be FATCA Compliant.

Features and Benefits
  • Flexible investment option like a regular monthly fixed investment SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) or single Lump sum investment.
  • Different fund options like equity, debit, balance funds etc., available based on customer risk and investment appetite.
  • Professional Investment Management.
  • Easy or High Liquidity - Open-ended funds can be redeemed on demand.
  • All funds are monitored and regulated by SEBI.
  • Low-cost investment.
  • For details of funds available for investment and other details contact your nearest branch.
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I am Kaaru